Home / Chief Administrative Judge Zayas Announces the Release of Engaging “Careers in the Courts” Videos

Chief Administrative Judge Zayas Announces the Release of Engaging “Careers in the Courts” Videos

January 26, 2024

New, Informative Video Series Is an Outgrowth of the New York State

Court System’s Community Outreach and Civic Engagement Efforts

NEW YORK–To better acquaint New Yorkers and others with the wide range of court

career opportunities available across the State–with the aim to further expand and

diversify the pool of potential job candidates–Chief Administrative Judge Zayas and

First Deputy Chief Administrative Judge Norman St. George today announced the

release of an engaging “Careers in the Courts” video series, narrated in part by Deputy

Chief Administrative Judge for Justice Initiatives Edwina G. Richardson. The videos,

which highlight some of the many rewarding positions in the New York State Courts in

fields as diverse as law enforcement, technology, library science, and social work,

among others, are available online at NYS Unified Court System (nycourts.gov) and on YouTube (see YouTube links below).

The new Careers in the Courts video series began as an idea to create a film to inform

students and others in the Capital Region about court career opportunities in the Albany

area. Supervising Family Court Judge Richard Rivera of the Capital Region’s Third

Judicial District–who now serves as Statewide Coordinating Judge for Family Court

Matters–first proposed the idea. His idea evolved into a statewide, grant-funded project,

with the video series announced today produced through Youth FX. Youth FX is an

Albany-based organization that seeks to empower young people of color in

neighborhoods that have been historically underserved by teaching them digital media

technology and then offering them paid internships with the entity’s production

company, Rogue FX. The interns, working with experienced professional videographers

at Rogue FX, were able to utilize the skills they acquired through Youth FX to produce

these videos for the court system. “I am very excited about our new Careers in the Courts video series.

It will go a long way in spreading the word about the Court System’s important work and the many,

varied employment opportunities–from entry to senior-level positions–available within

the courts that offer meaningful work, competitive pay, and generous benefits, and

support the New York State Courts’ critical mission to deliver equal justice under the

law. These engaging videos also demonstrate the Court System’s deep commitment to

ensuring both that our workforce reflects New York’s rich diversity and that all who enter

or serve in our courts are treated with dignity and professionalism,” said Chief

Administrative Judge Zayas. “I am particularly gratified that these newly released

videos, having been produced by young people from under-represented communities,

exemplify the positive impact of our court-community partnerships and civic

engagement efforts in demystifying the Court System’s role and structure and

enhancing public trust and confidence in the State’s judicial branch.”

“As they say, ‘a picture is worth a thousand words,’ indicating the potential reach of

these engaging videos in raising awareness about the many career paths offered by the

New York State Courts and attracting the best, the brightest, and the broadest diversity

of job applicants,” said First Deputy Chief Administrative Judge St. George. “Along with

our gratitude to Judge Richardson for her role as narrator, we are thankful to Judge

Rivera for his vision and to the Third Judicial District Careers in the Courts Committee

for turning the project into a statewide endeavor. For several months, Amelia Lepore

Sessions, now the District Executive, the District’s Jessica Douglas and Anna

Wilkinson, and John Caher, of the courts’ Communications team, worked closely with

the production crew to capture on film what Judge Rivera envisioned. I am so proud of

how wonderfully the courts are represented by those court family members featured in

the series, and greatly impressed with the top-notch videos produced in partnership with

Youth FX/ Rogue FX.”

“It was both a privilege and delight to participate in the making of the Careers in the

Courts video series, which not only highlights the array of career options available within

the New York State Courts but also sheds light on the impactful work of our State’s

judicial branch,” said Deputy Chief Administrative Judge Richardson. “I thoroughly

enjoyed working with the exemplary court professionals featured in the video series—

who did a stellar job of representing our hardworking, dedicated court family—and with

the young filmmakers whose talent and creativity shines through in these lively,

informative videos.”  “It has been extremely rewarding to watch my initial idea––

to make a video informing local students, job seekers and others about court career opportunities in the Capital

Region––grow into a statewide endeavor that will serve to raise public awareness about

the Court System’s vital mission and the range of job opportunities available in

courthouses and court facilities across the State,” said Judge Rivera. “I couldn’t be more

pleased with the quality of the Careers in the Courts video series and am deeply

grateful to the many individuals who, whether from behind the scenes or in front of the

camera, participated in this collaborative effort. I would especially like to thank and

commend the young people of Youth FX for doing such a wonderful job and for their

professionalism, dedication, and pride in this work.”

Following are synopses of the six videos comprising the Careers in the Courts series,

and the YouTube link to each video.

Careers in the Courts: Overview –– This film, narrated by Deputy Chief Administrative

Judge for Justice Initiatives Edwina G. Richardson, features interviews with a diverse,

eclectic group of employees in various court locations who explain what they do, why it

matters, and the benefits of working for the court system. Careers in the New York Courts – YouTube

Careers in the Courts: Court Officer — In this segment, Court Officer Jennifer Pacheco

explains her role and why serving in this capacity is so professionally rewarding. “Court

officers maintain security and courtroom decorum, providing safety for the customers

who come in, as well as the staff.” Careers in the NY Courts: Court Officer – YouTube

Careers in the Courts: Resource Coordinator — Here, Craig Stratton, at the time the

resource coordinator with Albany’s Supreme Court and County Court, discusses his

work helping those with substance abuse issues who find themselves entangled in the

criminal justice system. “Individuals have come into our court that really were in dire

straits, in total desperation with no hope … I’ve seen them reunite with their families,

I’ve seen them obtain employment, I’ve seen them even go back to college and obtain

degrees.” Careers in the NYS Courts: Resource Coordinator – YouTube

Careers in the Courts: Interpreting — Court interpreter Lourdes Cardona explains how

important it is for people who come to court to find someone who speaks their language.

“At the moment you speak the language, they know that they are going to be heard and

they are going to be able to tell their story, to ask for the remedies that they’re expecting

the court to provide for them.” Careers in the NYS Courts: Interpreting – YouTube

Careers in the Courts: Administrative — Pearl Yu-Rodriguez, senior court clerk, and

George Sanchez, clerical assistant, explain their respective jobs in three words, “to help

people.” Careers in the NYS Courts: Administrative – YouTube

Careers in the Courts: Court Reporter –– Court reporter Cyndi West discusses the

importance and variety of her work. “It’s always something different. You can come in

one day and you’re doing a murder trial. You can come in the next day, you’re doing a

trial in Surrogate’s Court or an adoption. The next day you could be doing a contested

matrimonial. It’s fascinating. It’s never dull and I absolutely love it.”

Careers in the NYS Courts: Court Reporter – YouTube